================== The Manager -- Inspirational Messages ================ by M.D. Smith -- Huntsville, AL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This program is designed to help you find out where problem areas occur. It should help you become aware of traits in you and/or the people you manage that can stand improvement. These 20 key areas have caused most of the problems that exist for business today. Proper attention to these items will improve morale, productivity, stability and profits. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "That's not my job....you never told me to do that....you never said to do THAT particular thing....that's not the way you said it....it's not MY fault!" Do you sometimes hear one or more of the above statements? Looking at questions # 9, 12, 16, and 18, you see a manager who is a poor communicator. This kind of person keeps employees on the defensive and rightly so. Not only is this manager a poor communicator, but he blames others for his mistakes. It is certainly no wonder that this person's subordinates must look out for themselves. Now, sometimes even a very good boss hears these statements, but by improving communications, if the fault truly is with the individual, they will see it and generally not make up excuses to an understanding boss. ----------------------------------------------------[ more ]-------------------- "LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE. IF THEY AREN'T COMPLAINING, DON'T GIVE 'EM A RAISE" It may be true that people will sometimes go longer to ask for a raise, but sooner or later they certainly will. You will generally find that the best employees will wait the longest. Thus, the best ones who deserve the raise wait while your 'squeaky wheels' get the attention and the raises. This is just the opposite of what you desire. So do not wait, evaluate your people on a regular and methodical basis. Give raises where they are due and earned. Tell those who do not get them, why they didn't. You will find this the best way to keep and motivate your good employees. ----------------------------------------------------[ more ]-------------------- "WE HAVE ALWAYS DONE IT THIS WAY SO DON'T STIR THINGS UP TRYING NEW IDEAS..... ....JUST DON'T ROCK THE BOAT !" A Bad Boss "WE HAVE ENOUGH TO DO JUST GETTING THE WORK OUT... SO I DON'T WANT ANY OF YOU TRYING SOMETHING DIFFERENT THAT MAY MESS UP AND CREATE MORE WORK FOR ME! " Another Bad Boss" If we don't want competition to go racing by us and our company, we had better do a lot of "finding different ways to get things done better." If we don't, then we are stagnant and it is only a matter of time until we are passed up by someone who did try something new and make it work. Sure, we will have some failures, that is the expected costs of finding better ways. Otherwise, we will be leaving it up to someone else, and forever be playing catch-up to #1, and always stay no better than #2 by doing it that way. ----------------------------------------------------[ more ]-------------------- "Managing is like writing in the snow.....you have to go over and over the same words as the snow falls if you want your writing to remain legible." HAROLD As you soon discover, you can solve a problem in your organization and it will often only stay 'fixed' for a short period of time. This is due to many reasons. The point is that we have no need to 'blame' anyone for a new version of the problem coming up again. We just try to improve still further on finding other possible causes of the problem and implement the new solution. Remember writing in the snow... we just keep going over the same ground whenever the writing starts to fade and become illegible. ----------------------------------------------------[ more ]-------------------- Dear Boss: We're writing this letter because this seems to be the only way we can communicate with you. We have tried other techniques without success. This is our last resort. It seems that you aren't interested in your subordinates' views, ideas, or problems because you never take the time to listen. Whenever we come to you with what we believe is a super idea, you are not available, you have a pressing engagement, or something else. When you do take the time to listen, we get the impression that we're just wasting your time. You say that you want us to come to you with our problems and ideas, but you don't follow through. You appointed an ombudsman to serve as a "link" between your office and subordinates but he is neither trusted nor respected. The company newsletter, which could be an effective communication device, is used to discuss broken rules, unmet quotas, why stock sharing is down, and other negatives and "NO-NO's." Our regular staff meetings are not helpful. They are used to issue directives and reprimands. Everyone seems to be super sensitive about his position and spends his time figuring out how to survive in this ruthless world of business. The primary purpose of one's job seems lost in the hustle. The suggestion system is not working, either. With no follow-up, people conclude that the system is merely window dressing and they ignore it. When you occasionally "drop-in" to other offices, you don't really solicit and stimulate our ideas. Our remarks are superficial, amounting to nothing more than amenities. You see, boss, we haven't developed the sense of trust and respect that we need to be straight with you. We never know where we stand and are afraid of extending ourselves. We want this company to be the best in the industry. We want to be more productive. We want to make suggestions and offer constructive ideas without fear of being "put-down" or being considered too aggressive or a trouble maker. We want to feel a part of a team, working together toward a common goal. To do this, we need some sense of confidence and belonging. We need to be able to think about the real problems of our industry. We need to be able to bounce ideas around among all of us (including you), to see if they can stand the test. We need some feedback and follow-up to the things we suggest. It would be great if that included some type of reward--if nothing more than a pat on the back, verbal recognition at a staff meeting, or a footnote reference in the newsletter. We know that we are asking a lot. However, we have promised to carryour share if you deliver. What have we to lose? The least we can do is fail ! And, if we must fail, let's go down together. Respectfully, Your Subordinates ----------------------------------------------------[ more ]-------------------- I've dreamed many dreams that never came true. I've seen them vanish at dawn. But, I've realized enough of my dreams, Thank God, to make me dream on! I've prayed many prayers when no answer came, thought I've waited patient and long. But, answers have come to enough of my prayers to make me keep praying on! I've trusted many a friend who failed, and left me weeping alone. But, I've found enough of my friends true-blue to make me keep trusting on! I've sown many seeds that fell by the way, For the birds to feed upon But, I've held enough golden sheaves in my hands to make me keep sowing on! I've drained the cup of disappointment and pain, and gone many days without song. But, I've sipped enough nectar from the roses of life to make me want to live on! *********************************[ end of messages ]************************